Thursday, 30 July 2015


We shall vote in one piece,
We shall preach peace,
And that's our stand,
Just watch to understand.

Deal struck,
Comrades' heels on track,
To resumes studies,
Together as buddies.
But with politic uncover,
Peace is a dream endavor,
With pain to bear,
With fright and fear.

Wounded commissioners,
Accusing executioners,
Torched shops and broken legs,
Pained minds and walking pegs!
Celebrating 'peaceful elections' ,
With no signs but petitions,
And the threats are a no care,
As there lacks logic spare.

(for paupers in a bush college)


DISCLAIMER: Daring/open-minded/enterprenueral readers

Hoe for hire,
Hotter than fire,
A hotbed engine.

If whores get paid,
Courtesy of been laid,
Why hire not a hoe?

Garden needs a great hoe,
For deep digging and mow,
Good garden and hard hoe,best produce!

Fellow hoe holders,
Join the row of bold climbers,
If whores are hired,why not hoes?


Thursday, 23 July 2015


Have you ever asked yourself this quire question? Why do many women prefer to be dated by older men?
The answer is best known by you depending on the angle at which the question was posted.
It is a known fact that women are so attracted to older men. I don’t necessarily mean that a twenty-two year old lady will date a man who’s seventy and above age wise. I mean a woman dating a man who is a few years older than her.
Let me answer this question in correlation with my view on such a topic and also on views collected by different individuals. Would I prefer an older boyfriend to a young star? Of course yes and there are different reasons as to why but will quote a few.
The major reason to this topic is that, these men tend to be much caring as compared to the dotcom men “youngsters”. Am not talking from experience but based on my research, several women gave this answer as their major. A woman would always want to be treated as a queen despite of the situation at hand, when she bombs to a man who can treat her this way, she will always stay. This point includes several aspects too. You will always find that these men are more established financially; they could sponsor your luxurious life which includes holidays to superb destinations like Malibu, Dubai and any other destination of your choice. I could stay and yearn for such a life too… don’t judge me my dear reader am just thinking out loud.
Dating older men is much exciting simply because they are more experienced in handling women and are better in bed. They know where to touch, press and when to let go. Understanding a young woman’s perception of life and needs. The understandings are estimated to be the greatest advantage these older men have that make them be on top of their game. Who on earth would deny herself the chance to have an exciting sex life, no one, right?
 Wow, I love this fantasy.
By Jackline Were.

Monday, 20 July 2015


When a kid asks for razor,give it to it!!!

The crave and thirst for democracy led to the varsity sloting elections into its system,to breed,groom and grow the new generation of leaders more so, the educated, informed and pris coloured. Most often than not the spirit has been violated and misused.

July 2015, will be a today in history for Moi University, students fought on tribal lines for their leaders. Stones flew,banners got burned and tribal arousal was at its maxima, in a public university, the foundation of knowledge!

Ideological differences between the aspirants were no common ground for diversity, looks and the last name were the most prevalent factors. It is ashame to note that despite all the lectures and the books read,the reasoning of scholars is limited to things that are beyond one's control, looks and tribe. How much does one invest to be born in a given community or to look in a given appearance? Thinking that learning changes mentality of a person is indeed true but not constant to all!

Pointing fingers and poking the Moi University alone is hypocritical. It is just a crack that shows what the whole society is made of,the Kenyan society. The national arena is a better circus scene than the varsity since it is coloured crimson and affects the livelihood of the entire society. It is the so called the national leaders who came up with phrases like, your name betrays you.

Parents are not clean neither. Who makes children aware of their origins and the wrong stereotypes of the other communities? Referring to other communities in derogative terms is not from heaven like Israelites manna.

It would be unfair to justify the acts without condemning the cheap electorate who are willing to injure in the protection of their  cheap liquor buyers and tribesmen more so campus students who are tomorrow's leaders. It's a shame!

The leaders who manipulate and incite themasses are the heart that throbs and supplies hatred. A true and real leader has control of his or her masses and knows how to win supporters by persuasion, is tolerant to diverse opinions and leadership oozes out their systems like water from a spring, unfortunately, this breed is rare around. Hatemongers, tribalists and power hungry fellows are r the common type .

Dreams of democratically elected officials is all the hope is about but is it easy? Heaven only knows.


Saturday, 18 July 2015


It’s really unfortunate that the CEO HELB wants to frustrate the efforts that have been made by the current academics director,Edwin Gogo. Previously,comrades have really suffered to raise school fees and upkeep while in campus. However much it’s the human nature to no be satisfied with what we have, the money that the higher education loans board provides is still very little. More often than not, the money comes and there is no definite place that a comrade can give an account on apart for the few Kamaus and Nyamburas who have ventured into business while still studying.

More than half of our population in campus are from either single parent or not even a single parent alive but really broke.

The previous semester was a bad mad semester for all of us to swallow. Without our wish two of us were laid to rest.RIP Charity and Isaac. For the lady she was hardly given even an opportunity to give her last wishes on earth.Most of comrades missed accommodation probably due to lack school fees accommodation fees or due to lack of enough social facilities to accommodate our comrades in campus. What a semester!

The HELB smartcard policy is meant to monitor on how we use our finances. We are all Kenyan citizen and the idea has been publicly rejected because who wants to be told on how to spend his or her finances? No one is willing to be monitored like a bank with a CCTV camera on a how to use their finances. I believe “mtoto akililia wembe mpe” and” asiyefunzwaa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu”. Lessons learnt through experience stick much more and longer than those which are imposed.

The battle ahead is really great. We are of diverse financial,social and academic background but at the end of the day I must ensure that my position as a vice chair ensures that every student is accommodated and appreciated in our dynamic community that is changing socially and economically every day. I join the camp and ideologies of the guys of the liberal minded not only in  Moi university but also in the nation of Kenya  who are  out tospearhead and to ensure that our comrades are well represented in our respective unions and governmental associations/organizations, my desire is to see that more comrades finish in peace and satisfaction that there was no hindrance  during their educational programme.

 The HELB smartcards are of no benefits to students. In fact they are adding more liabilities to us. We shall repay the loan with interest plus tax and now they are adding more and more expenses. No! No! No! I will not sit and see us being exploited. Despite my political aspirations I am a comrade I would rather die by being comrade than be a daughter of a man who is reaching out to the very last dime of the average Kenyan. I am a comrade no matter what. Whatever affects a comrade affects me like a mother nursing a young baby….we say NO TO HELB SMARTCARDS!

By Grace Njenga.

 The writer is a third year student in the School of Education (guidance and counselling)

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Dress for Comrades

I'm generous enough to chew a bone with you, in fact its a bond of contention.
My dress my choice jingles and calls had been trending a season ago and amongst comrades the jibes were loudest, the late Senior Counsel and Senator Mutula had his say raise controversy. And from high school to college the most outstanding identity marker is the dress code. Our share ,our heart, our soul for share,dressing in campus.
Lie not, how much did you raise and save for clothing when you were joining the varsity team? Were it not that the sponsors ,parents and wellwishers had a hand into your budget allocation, you won't have met the minimum requirements! However the best part was that the kind of clothes your interest banked on were the expensive boutique pieces. Your thirst was joked with since your needs were partially dealt with. For the he fellows it is never that big affair till...
And now that nobody cares about your looks, sampling all the fancy dresses and hairstyles and shoes and make-ups and what else!!! All the smells in the universe, all the looks, all the walking styles,alll the sways and crawling around are at your disposal! What matters most is to sample!
What clicks to your mind when that tumbo cut is combined with a micro miniskirt and pen sized heels as a lady struggles to rush for a late class,face looks ashy and the outdated afro hair heavier than the head, oversized googles, blood red lips and did I mention the smell of the deodorant and the nail size,and the the gait in rush? My dress my choice!
Gents have a reasonably well nurtured dress,save for a few upcoming trends of very baggy jeans and skinnies. Why on earth would decide on putting a class eight's pair of pants? Fitting is the ideal trend but super micro fitting is not a man's affair. Who wants to see those funny manly bodies and irregular shapes? Then why should one put on a set of clothes equivalent of blankets and sheets? The last punch on men, why is it necessary to sag the pants if at all the anal diseases are not upon you and you are straight (whatever it means!).
Smart,decent,recent, classy,sassy, up to date,trendy, fashion conscious among others are the words associated with the campus generation but I believe it would strike attention if we drop the fashionista tendencies anyhowly. I tend to believe that fashion entails remaining relevant, decent and presentable in all the settings and situations. Unless you are a model or a fashion designer, you have no business in fancy and funny attires. You are a scholar,and intellect, show it by the appearance!
Gichimu Njeri.

Friday, 3 July 2015


 How many of you still pray in church? Or rather, how many of you don’t just recite prayers in church-or wherever it is that you pray? Now days it has gotten to the extent that we recite prayer just because we are afraid of the repercussions. I mean, the concept of eternally burning or having molten sulphur pouring over your skin- if you are one of those who subscribe to the notion that sulphur is what will be used-is not a very reassuring option. In fact for most, it is this “oppression” that makes them question the existence of the deity that we refer to as God.
 My bone of contention is with everyone and anyone that walks around claiming to be a devout religionist-if such a thing even exists-just because they go to church regularly and undergo a common ritual of praying every morning and evening. The question that seems to have plagued society and more so religionists is “what is religion? Is it similar to belief or are these two very different?” Anyone who follows religion but does not show it in their actions, according to the Holy Book used by Christians is no different from the person who doesn’t follow religion at all. Am sure you are all waiting for me to explain why I say that religion is dead.
 Just like Nas’s song talks about how hip hop is dead, I’m going to give ways in which I believe religion is dead. Of course we have the obvious one where most people following religions are nothing more than hypocrites. It has devolved to such degrees that our children will not know the real reason to follow religion, or rather to believe in a Supreme Being. When they’ll ask you why they have to go to church every Sunday, all you’ll probably tell them is “so that they can go to heaven and not hell.” Children are no longer taught to love God and believe in Him because it’s the right thing to do. Instead they are pushed in that direction by sheer fear that is instilled in them by their parents, teachers and Sunday school teachers. A propos, I also have a bone to pick with these so called instructors, but that’s for another time. Ask any kid why he/she goes to church and the answers you’ll get are: “because mummy/daddy tells me to; so that I don’t go to hell; because God says so; because my friends go there.” Ask them why they pray and the answers will be even more diversified.
 Then we move onto the reading of the Bible or whatever Holy book it is that you engage in. When was the last time any of you read the Bible because they wanted to find God? Or read so that they can gain some insight or understanding into what loving God really entails? Am sure most of you don’t even read the Bible. You just wait for someone else to do the reading for you and interpret it for you.” Isn’t this the reason we have priests, pastors or whatever name you would like to give them?” I can almost hear someone asking. Priests are just there for guidance only. We should be able to read the Bible for ourselves, find its meaning as we see it, then-and only then-do we seek guidance.
 Finally we get to the actions that we commit. It is not proper for someone who considers themselves a believer to not care about others. Every religion, be it Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or Jewish focuses mainly on one central aspect of life; that is goodwill to fellow human beings. This can be translated as doing unto others what you would like to be done unto you. That is why whenever I see or hear about churches wrangling amongst one another over such silly issues as leadership, I fear for humanity as a whole. If religion and belief become nothing more than just a label that people wear so as to be recognised, then we are doomed to a future where people no longer keep their word, people no longer care about what happens to their neighbour so long as they themselves are doing well and worst of all, people pray and go to various designated areas of worship but still indulge in morally questionable acts.
 I am not saying that I am a saint or that I have an exceptionally good moral compass; but I’d rather not go to church than be a hypocrite. What’s the use of lying to yourself and others that you are a believer when all that you are doing is being a hypocrite? This is like a partner who claims to love the better half but still cheats on them. If you are going to make a commitment to your faith, do so whole heartedly.
 So, is religion really dead? With it being commercialized, to the extent that you can now M-pesa your “offering” and where church leaders accumulate more wealth than our fattened politicians, and where dressing to church has become about fashion, I say it is well on its death bed. If only Jesus could come back to whip people into shape.

By Christine Aseka