Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Jeremy Please

Jeremy the class lover,
Joined the team that drinks,
In bars that your salary lasts an hour,
The sons of country owners,
The daughters of key financial thieves,
And you thought you were stylish...

Your kids will starve like demons for souls,
Your wife will be ragged,
And your papers a tattered bunch,
Love class to lose class?

Put shoes your fit,
Not shows to your feet,
Your dad wasn't a land grabber,
He was their cobbler,
If you think they're your class,
You'll lick their boots,
Like a hungry desperate mongrel...

Drink in your dens boy,
Save your a*s embarrassment,
Scratch your comfort,
Let your esteem rise,
Above your crazy fantasy...


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

In This Area...

This a rare area,
Where men and women,
Old and young,
Elite and illiterate,
Dine and wine in the gossip cafe,
You'll never be surprised,
To be trending yet,
You have not even the vaguest idea!
Steel balls are the least of your package.

What is unknown to you,
In this area,
The parents send their daughters to you,
And if you fail to fall for them,
Unto your neck they'll be forced,
By rumour spread and allegations,
To survive,
Steel balls are the least of your package.

In this woozy wild world,
Sons and their fathers,
Swim in the same shame pools,
Little headscarfed hypocrites enjoy the swing,
Claiming that fruits and seeds are all edible,
Steel balls,
 Are the least of your package to make it here.

In this vile village,
Rules are raw,
Pious during the day,
Doomed in the dark nights,
Masters of masking,
A double life only survivable,
If you have a pair of steel balls...


Saturday, 21 May 2016


Dealing with certain groups of people is a big challenge. It pushes one to suffocation. Monitors and prefects of my artistic ventures. I need to clear the air for the team that thinks all an artist spits is factually measured.

The simplest departure on this issue is to begin with;what's is art? My reference points out clearly that it's the CREATIVE activity, usually with an AESTHETIC focus. Creative to mean imaginative, original, expressive,inventive or the ability to create. Aesthetics is all about the beauty, tasteful, or the artistic appearance. Too many definitions?

The characters in my work may not necessarily be real people actually the percent a of reality is so minute that microscopic search would strain. I have no relationship with my characters in any way save for me being their creator and manipulating them to deliver my message. They are my subjects, in the world of fiction.

Of my topics,issues, themes and anything that I tend to address, I am a mirror reflecting the society. Some topics are purely mental creatures however triggered by the social observations.

The "I " in my pieces and the real "I " are two distinct characters. They may be connected but highly independent. As earlier indicated, one is a subject and a creation of the other.

Why this rant? The moment you define me basing on my characters you're misleading yourself and killing the chance of meeting or getting to know the real me. #Nomys_Madness is a ruthless crook who doesn't mind giving all that he has to spit while the other person is so conscientious and delicately reserved. Don't rush into making such a conclusion that they are the same. One maybe hurt badly.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

This Attention Grabbing Cat

I have an issue,
With this little creature,
I take it for a tissue,
Be it real or a picture,
I hate this cat.

I hate this cat,
It makes me cry,
This playful brat,
It competes everywhere!

It competes everywhere!
Takes portion of my milk,
I will kill it I swear,
Sits on my dad's laps to lick,
And that's my coveted favorite!

And that's my coveted favorite!
It groans on my sheets,
It sleeps on my bed!
It staggers on my beats,
And grasps my attention!

And grasps my attention!
Steals big mommy's caresses,
No one plays with me,
Everyone sings its color,
Tailing it, I hate it!


Venom Spitters

In the memory of my dad,
He who fought a faulty battle,
In the name of defending his people from the neighbors,
He took oath of allegiance to the gang,
The gang funded by the mafia,
The mafia that wanted the Boss in office,
The Boss whose brilliance was ignition and incite.
Ignition and incite that washed the soil with blood,
Messed the air with smoke,
And made the scrap metal business flourish.

That venomous spit by the Boss and his cohorts,
Made us have death for a daily bread,
Injuries a luxury,
Looting a fun,
Maiming a game,
And heartless a trait,
That saw our senses made wild,
Our actions stupidly bold,
We were more than animals,
Cannibals that needed salvation.

Our sisters drowned their virginity for food,
Our mothers betrayed their vows to see kids get the basics,
Our friends and relatives,
Showed us the other side,
That animals and human are close,
Our spirits were weakened,
And yet the Boss and his cohorts,
Watched us on television,
Made promises to us,
With their venomous spit,
That saw us split,
We listened keenly,
Ready to rebuild,
And like warthogs,
We followed sheepishly,
Thanks to shallow mindedness,

If we'll fall,
And fail,
To see beyond the venomous spit,
History is ready to recur,
And ours will be unending pain,
As Boss and cohorts,
Watch over our woes.


Monday, 16 May 2016

He Stabbed Underage Trio

He taught them in a contemporary class,
He taught them behind a blurred glass,
He taught them how to write,
He taught them their might,
He was their teacher in all beats,
In class and under the sheets,
The three thrilling girls.

They were thorough friends,
Foolishly following the same bends,
They were played and undressed,
They were eaten and pressed,
He liked them natural and raw,
He enjoyed them in a row,
The three thrilling girls.

They swallowed his spills,
And forgot to mind the pills,
Their tummies curved,
Their spitting carved,
His unplanned arousal,
His confusion appraisal,
The three thrilling girls.

His job got terminated,
Two of the seeds got eliminated,
One through an abate,
And the other through fate,
The last one survived,
To make the marriage threat arrived,
The three thrilling girls.


Thursday, 12 May 2016


Brother Jill,
The little baby boy from the hill,
He the laughing kid,
Is laughing not anymore,
He the chatterbox is dumb,
He the bright lad is dull,
Mulinge is to blame!

Brother Jill,
The orphaned black boy,
He who feels and feeds the aging cucu,
Is ailing and wailing on bed can't even say so so,
He who hits hard the ground,
Is currently straining in a bound,
And this is Mulinge's act!

Brother Jill,
Is asking for any pill,
From any source for he is in pain,
A pain from unusual passage,
A heart hurt from a friend,
A physical pain from a psycho,
And this is Mulinge's mental trip!

Brother Jill,
Recounted the episode,
And ours was head nod,
How he got overpowered,
How he got penetrated,
How he lost consciousness,
And the culprit is Mulinge!

Brother Jill,
The innocent little baby boy from the hill,
Has our backing in hunting the idiot,
The idiot who took his rear for a free front,
A free front for pleasure,
We're hundreds in the look,
To tighten knots of the bastard Mulinge!


Monday, 9 May 2016


I shall marry Nyokabi,
She with the roots from Ukabi,
She whose beauty beats all,
She, the daughter of the dancing mother,
If only she swears and confirms,
That symbiosis will be highly embraced,
That she'll act diligently,
Unlike the cruel cousin of hers,
Who sleeps to be fed,
Who stares on the screen,
 The whole day watching Afro-cinema,
She claims that the baby's kicking,
She's whining and the baby's only three  months,
That cousin called Nyathira.

I shall marry Nyokabi,
She with roots from Ukabi,
She whose grandpa killed ten lions,
And the shy night leopard,
Couldn't shy off his tactics,
And her mother's hut,
Had no warrior's daring spear,
Her faithfulness to her husband,
Was praised in the lands yonder,
And grasp of the cultural ways,
Better than the arrogant 'pure-breed',
If she assures to share,
Her mother's nuggets with my sins and daughters.

I shall marry Nyokabi,
She with the roots from Ukabi,
She whose brilliance equates to none,
She who has never shown interest to any other man,
She who survived college,
Without losing her roots,
And went ahead to present her papers,
With a thousand proverbs from both Gikuyu and Ukabi,
And defended the institution of marriage amicably,
At a surprising eloquence,
In a rare competence,
That the panel claimed to have never seen,
Smartest in her class!

I shall marry Nyokabi,
She from the roots of Ukabi,
Not because of her papers and knowledge,
Not because of her beliefs and culture,
Neither because of her uniqueness,
I will marry her,
For I have a hunch,
She's the best to carry,
The seeds of an ambitious son,
Who like her,
Has unexplored love sanctuary,
And together we'll raise,
A cultural conscious generation.



Jane was not a virgin,
No one could imagine,
That the boisterous girl,
Quasi religious to the core,
The arrogant new bride,
She was not a virgin!

Jane was not a virgin!
And how the village couldn't speak,
 As her wedding,
A maiden village they called it,
If only they knew,
That hers was a masquerade,
Who could have thought,
That her sweet potato bitten!

Jane was not a virgin,
She fooled the congregation,
She fooled the pastor,
She fooled her parents,
And everyone believed her treachery!
She was not a virgin!

Jane was not a virgin,
And the groom knew it,
He had hit her wall,
And tasted the juices,
He tested the rough road,
Then united in crime of the lie,
That Jane was untouched!

Jane was not a virgin,
Five months after the big wedding,
A ceremony that saw hundreds witness the vows,
Jane is pushing strenuously,
The oversized firstborn,
On that maternity bed,
Five months after the big wedding,
Jane has proved that,
She wasn't a maiden,
And courageous enough,
To do it gloves off!

Jane was not a virgin,
Jane was not a maiden,
Jane was not untouched,
Jane's foolery is stinking,
Jane is a mother five months after the big wedding!
