Excitement. Is the word that one dreams of on getting a scholar to date. Who hates a brilliant one for a wife or husband? Wait,so in the most moves,beginners dream of unending relationships. Lifetime! Unfortunately, it's not necessarily the case. A survey reveals a series of reasons cited for campus pairings.
James, a finalist in School of Business says that what he needed in any relationship was cost sharing.
" We have meagre allowances as students. Getting a patner doubles the share hence easy management." Confims James who also cites cuddling and spending the weekends together as other privileges. He laughs on any future banking on any relationship.
Jenison* a first year student pursuing Sociology is quick learner and embraces the system's mannerisms.
"Any guy who approaches me on matters relationship has a special attention on a given feature in me. The same principle is applied for my acceptance. He must satisfy my financial needs.It's that simple."
Shockingly, a good number of boys have an offer interest of financial boost in relationships.
" They rely on our efforts to secure them,listen to their unending whines, satiate their various desires to name but a few. All these requires motivation; money. "Says Jorge a second year student pursuing Statistics.
Winnie who studies psychology argues that for a relationship to exist,it must have a common interest for both parties. She says that humans been social beings,they need attention and company in their various activities. She affirms a common cliche, no man is an island.
In a rare unfolding, Yvonne says that she dates senior students within her course or extremely brilliant classmates whose input is simple, academics.
" I take no chances with my studies. One must be a course mate with the best knowledge I need. It's okay for us to be complementing information and learn from each other. No books, no relationship."
Yvonne's thoughts are echoed by four more students; three ladies and a gentleman.
Rarely,cases of marriage occur and happy ever after is heard. It requires special commitment and truthfulness.
Miriam* who studies Special Needs Education says that her boyfriend has been great and since they're finalising, marriage is inevitable.
" Faithful men are not easily found in this generation. I'm so lucky to have met him."
Among other people, the entire discussion on affairs to do with relationships. Having lost trust,made mothers and totally ignored by the irresponsible fathers.
Calen* warns first years to be cautious lest one fails on the traps of unplanned pregnancies that have far reaching consequences.
The conclusion of the interviews resonates with the title of the piece,relationships,are either based on money,needs or services offered. It's about what one gains. Love is hard to find.
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