Tuesday, 19 April 2016


"Your arrogance sucks! A poor thoughtless village boy who let's luck slip. Follow your stupidity and keep on wallowing in your sorry world of fantasy and poverty!" She cursed rushing into her limousine. Which fool turns down an offer to study medicine abroad for FREE? She had heard rumours of the nephew's unshakable stances. She thought she could tether him. She thought she could enjoy a control freak status. She thought she could tame him. She lost. Pauline was her name, a bourgeoisie from the capital;a distant relative.

Becoming real had always led the boy to be referred to as rude, arrogant, hostile and even stupid. He always led a life too complex to comprehend.Even his supportive mother could hardly grasp a clue most a times.Luckily, the pure-hearted could not abandon the son.No matter how eccentric he appeared. She had always trusted him. Her soul was his,his was hers. Nothing they did without the other in mind.' My life is yours,all my efforts are to see you get better than you are. 'It was the unspoken rule. They harboured it in their spirits. How many times had she dared death for his survival? Which  insults had he not received for being a FATHERLESS BASTARD?

Peter knew his version of life. His decisions depended on his book consumption. Apart from the syllabus, his knowledge search delved in: life skills, psychology,sociology and philosophy. This fields were hard nuts but not for a nagging book-worm. The deeper he dug,the more alienated from the existing accepted and valued ways of life in the setting he became.His readership of fictional pieces made him a brat, he couldn't afford to discuss anything without likening events and people with those in books. It did not augur well with the society. He was literally ABANDONED. Literally abandoned due to his literary abandon.

He explained it all to his mother. His argument hit her soft spot so simply. She saw clearly and easily than he could imagine. Not that he underestimated her brain, no. He knew so well the main problem;money.

" Mum, the bait was so conspicuous. I have no doubt it was a trap. It matters not how much better I would become, my thoughts would be enslaved. 'Were it not for me...' tag and intimidation. You know your relative better than the rest. She's an investor,we may not see it now but I have no doubt over it. Her end prevails her decisions,profits."

Peter knew his mother was the best lawyer and trustee. A confidant to bank on. An advisor so brutally honest. He explained his phase two to both of them in presence of the rest.

"I have high respect and feels greatly honoured to have your audience,concern,attention and time. I appreciate your support. Unfortunately, I am a writer, a journalist, a communicator in mind. I adamantly intend to realise the dream. We call it passion,desire and pursuit for happiness. I would be lying that medicine is a bad course; no course is. I have no intention to harbour hypocrisy. My respect for the society will deal with me cruelly if I take medicine for a course. I am not the least one to dress wounds,inject nor fantasize anything to do with the medical field. I hope you understand."

It was a tough gamble. How does one sacrifice an opportunity for a blurred passion. Save for the mother;the rest could not deny that the boy was not only a loser but also a psycho, who needed a psychiatrist. No wind of opinions could shake his pillar. His mother and him hadd to face the consequences. 'Let them massage their ego by paying fees. He can't make it without us. Poor pair! How did he even manage to get such a good grade with this controversy?'

His peers envied him. But they lacked the guts. A losing bunch of conforming brats. Cowards. He thought of them.


Campus was not a walk in the park. He had a bumpy ride. He had to win. He made his mother proud.

His appearance on the television as a broadcast reporter wasn't least believable. How? It was short-lived confirming their doomed desire. Unknown to them his success story was just beginning.

Passion led him to his destiny,desire and destination.The writer with a weekly humour column and yes, three best-sellers!

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