Sunday, 7 August 2016

A Work In Progress (part two)

His fitting attire strikes her attention too,not to mention the broad chest;a security assurance.

" I'm Patience,a beginner in the medical school. I wouldn't mind having you for a patient in more than one-way."
The chemistry seems headed to biological future. Bun cuts short their flattery. The-Girl-is-Mine is the expression on his hug. So possessive. He winks to bid his boy goodbye lest they're caught at the dawn. Bun can't afford to leave without a contact. A satisfied womanizer, it took too short for him to do it.
The dispatcher and Bin are all smiles,the kick off is excellent. Bin has to bump in to be an active element;a friend to the protagonist.


The Girl is made a visitor. The shower, touts, meals, friends are revised. The relationship is founded firmly. A few hours later, the goodbyes are made.


The bonds are strengthened.
Both. The Girl is enjoying a double love. The friends are happy. Their plan is beyond their expectations. And their road is so nice,they're doubting it.

"Let's burst. Let's bust her. Let's open the Pandora's Box."

Bond is a bit reluctant. He's humane. He however recalls the start was rotten,there's no business of a happy ending. At least on her part. How stupid can she be to trust a relationship originating from a social media platform?

"Six chapters,72 pages the novella is a masterpiece! We can't delay the climax anymore."reports Ban excitedly.

Bun has been planning to taste the juice. She's enjoying resistance as if waiting for a new day. He's bitter and nods comfortably, she needs busting.


She arrives earlier than expected. She seems uneasy. "I have a confession dear.
 hope you'll understand."she seems to read his mind. He buys more time. His boys are next door, rehearsing the final episode.

"Hold on. You'll do it,let's eat first."
There's a knock. Bond is seen for the first time. Like a movie producer, he's the brain behind the scene and Patience stares at him. Bin follows,he hugs her, enjoying the massive flesh on her front. They eat but not long much, before the villain enters grinning;Bun.

She smiles and concentrates on her fish,her confession is made easier...


The team manager leads the confession. She seems composed. They're confused. Is she real? Why is she enjoying the adventure?

He gives details of the little mission. How they wanted to help their friend write a book. How they promised to make it up to him. That they work as a pack and this was their best task. A love story, from social media platform, a stupid girl who is exploited,manipulated unknowingly. How sorry they are.

Still unmoved,Patience smiles. She takes a long siphon of her ' Sprite madiaba'.She takes a massive amount of oxygen. She enjoys the attention,suspense and power of a woman. Four men, scholars awaiting her bomb.


" I apologize for playing buddies. I'm sorry to have been naive to fall you two and playing your script. I didn't know I was such a dummy."
She takes a nice malicious break. They relax but they're sensing a dragon spit. Their undivided composure pester her to proceed. Bin gets a reminisce flash surrounding his granny with his cousins in a smoky kitchen awaiting the endless long story to end unexpectedly. This is not fictitious granny's narrative. He's a real victim. He wonders as his mind wanders what's the moral of this story.

"It has been a work in progress. I am a major in psychology. I have a nice assignment;a project funded by a multinational centre of excellence; Modern Psychology. The centre uses ALL MEANS POSSIBLE to get information. The task on my table was to establish on the Reality of Social Media Relationships: A case study of varsity students.The entry of your friend on my mission to study you gave me an added advantage. But I regret that you were all faking innocence. I can't risk to admit that to my financiers though."

Bond sweats profusely. He affords to smile over her regret but still grants over her out do.

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