Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Burden on my head

The burden on my shoulders,
Is not a burden of my own,
It's because Mama is laden,
Mama is so heavy she told me,
I don't know what she ate,
And I know not my dad,
I'll ask Mama one day.

The burden on my shoulders,
Is not a burden of my own,
It's only that I love my siblings,
I want them eat even when Mama is heavy,
As she can't do the basics,
I have to make it my duty,
To be dad as Mama gave me no one,
Especially now she's heavy,
Let them call it child labor!

The burden on my shoulders,
Is a burden of life and death,
My hands dig deep in the dump sites,
Sorting out the best plastics,
Risking diseases ,
As the school going children told me.

I eat from this burden,
As Mama taught me how to do it,
I know not my father,
May be he wouldn't like me doing it,
When Mama gets off heaviness,
I'll ask her about Daddy,
May be I'm not supposed t ask or have one!

I'd love to stay like my neighbors,
Go to school and learn,
Put on good clothe and have a Daddy,
Have few brothers and sisters,
Live in a good house,
But now that Mama is heavy,
My siblings need me,
I only have to hop

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