Tuesday 11 April 2017

I Succumbed:48 Hours In The Abyss

I died the for last 48 hours, but I'm back. Yes, I know it's weird and out of this world to declare such madness. I'm not the one saying it. Ask my friend James and my little brother Dave. In fact, it's them who decided to call me dead. After a long journey, local tourism crisscrossing the hilly but currently dry land of our beloved country, I took not only a heavy meal but also a nice shower. Within an hour, I could hardly follow the comic film, The Vice Principals. I took one more thing, a triple dose of piritons and bade the excited boys good night. We were to share the bed with James, a conflict that always made nice battling. " I don't know what ,makes me feel that one day, you'll attend to me uninvited. That's the day I'll break your typing hands and render you a good for nothing brat." He would laugh it off claiming I was too skinny and too manly to arouse anyone of the same kind. Not to say he was otherwise, but his love for beauty items and the prowess in the kitchen made me throw the dirty punches. We shared and still do share the room, our first after college. Little brother had just closed school, we hosted him and our sofa was his bed. I died on Saturday. The first twenty hours, I slept heavily or really died. On their way to bed, nobody noticed but on waking up, six hours later, they noticed the dead body. I was still, slightly cold and my breathing was undetectable. James tried waking me, I didn't respond. He went to the kitchen, made breakfast, woke Dave in the sitting room as he was the one to iron clothes that day. He slapped me. My nerves couldn't respond. He got shocked and smartly asked the little brother to have a look on me. I was straight, even colder. Zero response to sound, touch and sight. ##### # A call home. Mum is devastated. Uncle is on his way. A friend of ours, a nurse we call Daktari, is called too. She confirms my death medically. However, there are inconsistencies. The pulse is there,though slight. She's detecting no twitch,the eyes are dead. But at least there's some warmth,she calls it a half death,a coma. No one is impressed,but confusion rises. I can hear them,though miles away. In whispers. Elsewhere, in my world, gigantic duo is playing pranks on me. Funny faces, scary eyes, enormous hands and on birthday suits. Hairy chests and trumpeting voices.One is on my chest, reducing air to negligible. The other one is a mockery machine. Asking me to do my best,for they're my kidnappers, my saviours and judges too. I'm using gestures,they want sound bytes. Ever wished death? I'm yet to, almost at the breaking point. I can hear my uncle's arrival,he's confused. Sees me and confirms death, traditionally. Says that even after slaughtering an animal, pulse doesn't leave instantly. He suggests of a morgue, Daktari says no. There's a flicker of hope. They argue, in the sitting room. I'm with Dave, he's weeping, losing his brother is unimaginable. I cough. He thinks it a hallucination. He waits for a second one, none comes. He tells no one. I'm getting slaps, forced to make decisions, confessions and declarations. The gigantic duo in the world where only the three of us exist, are cleansing me. Promising a second chance,if I abide to their expectations. I have no choice. There's a boring world with no food nor friends. An abyss of fear and neglect,however it was one of redemption. Having signed, the papers, I was released. Uncle mentions casket, I jump and ask him, " My casket you mean? Not yet dear uncle. Thanks Daktari for saving my life from the freezing chambers. And James, Dave, sorry for my oversleeping. I'm hungrier than you two combined, get me something to eat as I take a shower." #Nomys_Madness