Tuesday 24 January 2017

I Shall Rise Again

I should have known,
I didn't.
I fell for his charm,
I felt his heart and heat,
For he was the man,
Prince Romeo son of nobility.

He promised a lot,
He provided most,
Happiness and laughter,
Fries and flowers,
He oozed confidence,
I was safe in his arms.

When the world complained,
Of hardships and breakups,
Ours was an exception,
All we offered was inspiration,
And guidance in bulk,
For we were ideal love idols.

Like a conspicuous rose,
Our scent and petals,
Our glory and honour,
Lasted so short to be forgotten,
And the sun got hot,
Wilting preceded drying,
Between fingers,
 The auspicious rose was crushed,
And blown to the sadistic wind.

Between fingers the rose was crushed...PHOTO:COURTESY

To me,
The punch wasn't fair,
Disfigured internally,
Wasted for two years,
And dropped for a 'new-catch'...

I still believe in love,
I know that mine is pure,
And a real one will appreciate,
And give back genuinely,
A kick is all I got,
I'm human easy to hurt,
Yet so hard to be broken,
I shall rise again,
I shall stand firm,
For that's where I belong.

( For a special friend, she whose heart was pricked by a lousy lover)

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