Thursday 13 November 2014

Village girl

Her body demands so little,
A smear of Arimi's jelly,
An old metallic holed-cup for blow drying hair,
Torn Mamas pair of shoes,
A finger in mouth as the right big toe draw patterns,
That village girl!
Her meeting point near the river,
Where she hastens the chat,
So as to cook for family,
Not to piss the dad,
Her desire is to get married,
Obey the husband,
Work in the farm,
Have her own kids
That village girl!
She is so loyal,
So shy,
So lovely!

That Sunday I met her,
She was clad on a 'fish' jeans skirt,
Red marvin,
Yellow third hand sports shoes,
A green 'jumper' sweater,
Blue knee length socks,
A purple leso around the neck,
And a coat of gleamering Arimis !

I held her hand firmly,
She faced sideways grinning,
"Niwamenya tiwega ureka?"*
She hurriedly demanded freedom,
Yet when I released her she stood a step away,
Warned of her father's wrath,
She gave me an offer,
A privelege of a lifetime...loading

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