Monday 12 October 2015

El Nino:We're Ready For You

Awaiting you so long,
As the second coming of The Son,
Will your destruction be bold,
Will you fill our bodies with diseases?

If the meteorologists are right,
So are the bigwigs,politicians,
They'll have you as stepping stone,
To munch on Disaster Allocated Funds,
For they've better and urgent disasters to tend,
Than a natural one beyond their control...

El Nino when are you coming,
To wash away our crop,
To carry our humus to the sea,
And flood our houses?

We are tired waiting for you,
Or did your mother have a delayed,
A fake,an overgrown,a twin pregnancy?
Or are you a fallacy,a propaganda for shaking the masses?

C'mon, what's your point,
Are you a brain twist,a tweet or a teaser?
Your last visit was superb,
I hope you're digitally aware now,
For we are ARMED to the toe,
To NEUTRALISE your madness,
Come, El Nino come,
But if you're a coward continue hiding forever!


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